Fun things to create · Scrapbooking

Multi Photo layout


As a mum I take a LOT of photos. Lots and lots. Even with the old film cameras (I still think my old Olympus Mjo point and shoot took the best photos, ever!) I would click and not worry too much about it. Hoping probably that in the sheer volume of pictures I was taking that I’d get at least ONE decent photo. Sometimes I was really lucky and I did. Get ONE decent photo!

Anyway, in the days of digi, I take even more…. although the incease in photos taken hasn’t necessarily led to an increase in decent photos…. I blame the camera and not the need for me to take photography lessons! Anywhere we go, I will usually pull out the camera for posterity. Except those times when I should really have brought the camera along and it’s been forgotten. I’m really good at doing that.

So where is all this going? Well, as a scrapbooker I want to get these very similar shots scrapped. A day at the beach for me is more than just one perfect photo (ok, so in reality, it’s always going to be in numerous less than perfect shots, but you’re with me, right?!)

Like this trip to Waimarama earlier in the summer. And Mr 7’s first experience in amazing, huge surf. I don’t think I could ever get just one photo to tell the story of how he just LOVED the wave pushing him around. I had the perfect quote – he’d uttered those words to hubby unprompted. But How, HOW do I scrap this????

Yes, I have a ton of these occasions all waiting to be put together – the birthdays, the easters, the christmas’ over the years. And then a scrapbook magazine showed up in my letterbox. Because Simple Scrapbooks is no more, I’m getting issues of Creating Keepsakes until my subscription runs out. It’s not a mag I’ve been buying much, but if this issue is any indication, I think I may just take up their *very special, one time only* offer…..

Inspiration? It was fair pouring!! It’s been a long, long time since I sat down with a scrapmag and spent time with it instead of flicking. And this particular issue just had multi-photo layouts GALORE.

On Sunday afternoon, I told the family I wanted time to do some scrapping  – and was promptly joined by two Mr’s who just had to do something too. *sigh….* Anyway, the above is the layout I did. Done and dusted in the afternoon. Inpired by the MANY layout ideas and sketches given in the mag. Lots of photos. Double layout. Happy? Yes indeed!! I have a feeling that a few more of those pages-in-waiting might finally get their turn.



8 thoughts on “Multi Photo layout

  1. I always find designing scrapbook layouts for multiple photos a real challenge. Maybe I’m just lazy. Which is a pit because now with digital photography there are so many more photos to choose from. But you’ve done a magnificent job with this double page spread using multiple photos on both pages. And it still doesn’t look cluttered.

  2. Awesome post. You’re right. Sometimes you need to use all the photos. Good, bad or indifferent. I love how you’ve done that on this LO!

  3. Great page Kelly. I have a real block when it comes to multiple photos. But you rocked it! Must have a go myself more!!! You have inspired me, thankyou.

  4. What a great title! Be wary of CK – they ae in financial trouble at the moment. As far as forgetting my camera – someone intelligent (um, could that be me!) gave me a little camera that just fits in my purse for Christmas last year. No chance of me not having a camera now

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